How to complete your Course Selection Form

Step 1: Include your parents/guardians in your selections. You may also consult your teachers, counselor, or other trusted adults about course options.

Step 2: Take the time to explore all options. Look at options to prepare you for college and/or for possible careers. Look for classes that you have an interest in or passion for. Students do better in school when they are interested in the subject. Look at graduation requirements and post-high options.

Step 3: Choose classes that will challenge you, but not overwhelm you. Choosing a schedule that is too easy will likely bore you. Choosing a schedule that is too difficult will likely frustrate you. Find a schedule to supports your goals and is also manageable with other responsibilities in your life, such as extracurricular activities, work, and family. Kearns offers support classes to help you challenge yourself with support in place to help you succeed.

Step 4: Choose your classes and turn in your Course Selection Card on January 18th and 19th.

Required in 9th Grade

All students must choose one of these 3 options which will support their graduation and College/Career goals.

Freshman Success

This course provides additional support for students as they enter high school. Teachers will work with students to mentor and teach lifelong skills. We have several options that tie to student interest, such as business, the arts, AP, and more. There are also supports for Special Education and ESL students through Freshman Success.

Freshman Success with GTI

This course will be a semester of Freshman Success with the ability to also take a GTI course for the other Semester. There are a ton of courses students can take at the GTI to better prepare them for their future careers.


Students are accepted through an application process. Students must enroll in at least one honors or AP course. Students will be completing at least one hour of homework nightly. This is a GREAT program for students who know they want to go to college, but could use school supports to help get them there. This course may include college visits.

Four Year CCR Plan

The form on the left will allow you to plan out which classes you would like to take each of your years in high school. That way you can ensure that the courses you take will be beneficial to your college and career goals.

The form on the right shows you what the graduation requirements are at Kearns High School. It will also show you which classes are required for you to take each year.

Graduation Plan