2nd Grade

In a world filled with captivating creatures and bright colors, 4-6 year olds will join a monkey on a mission to collect bananas and unlock treasure chests. All the while, they will explore and learn the basics of code as they use blocks to program a monkey's journey through the world. 

You live in a cave in prehistoric times - code a game to help you light a fire quickly! 

In this MyQ activity, you will solve visual fun challenges to help our cute dog find its bones, while leraning the concepts of cause and effect and user interactions. 

Google Santa Tracker: Code Lab

3-D Space Invader

Code the classic Space Invaders game in 3D while learning about the basics of game development, including fundamental programming concepts like loops, conditionals, and keyboard events

Google Santa Tracker: Code Boogie

Minecraft Education: Generation AI

Venture through time to create helpful AI-powered inventions in the new Minecraft Hour of Code: Generation AI. Use problem solving, creativity, and computational thinking along with the principles of responsible AI. With coding in MakeCode Blocks or Python, Minecraft Hour of Code invites anyone to learn the basics of coding and how to build better AI for all.  


Unplugged Activities: Dance Party  , Draw  a Code