England's Eagles

Welcome to My Website

To get to the lessons for sixth grade, go to google classroom. The website is classroom.google.com hit the Join Class + in the upper right corner, join as a STUDENT, add your class code and they’re in.

Use the code Zv7r5sc to get in to the site. This is the google classroom for both sixth grade classes. Look on the tab listed as CLASSWORK. All of the assignments are listed there, with the dates due. After these assignments, there are other assignments you could choose to do, if you want.

Sitxth grade now has a google meet site set up. Just go to googlemeet.com and type in Sixth Grade Chat to join the group. I will be on there from 1:00-3:00 Monday through Thursday to answer questions and meet with any sixth grader. Hope to see you there.

Please remember to turn in packets with work completed and get new packets every two weeks. Online assignments and packets will be graded and will be used to determine grades at the end of the year. If you would like to check out a chrome book to do the assignments online, you may get one at the school.

The information regarding Jefferson Jr. High Dance Company auditions can be found at the following website:


TJJH Dance Company

Dear students and parents, Jefferson Jr. High Dance Company auditions will be virtual this year. Please go to the following YouTube link to learn the audition combinations. Audition videos: A…


If you need to contact me, my email is cengland@graniteschools.org. I'm happy to give any help that I can. I will be checking my email daily.

One site that students might be interested in, that is not on google classroom, is Science School with Lindsay Storrs on KUTV.com This is on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. You might want to check it out.

Just for your information, our class Dojo is having problems. If you cannot get hold of me there, just email me. I will answer as soon as I can. Thanks for your patience.