
Welcome to Orchestra

Use the drop down menu at the top to access additional orchestra pages such as the calendar, student resources, instrument information, and media.

The link below will take you to the Bennion Jr Performing Arts Youtube page, where you can find recordings from all of our concerts.

Bobcat Sounds Club

This year, the BJH Music department is starting an after-school practice program. The program is free. We will meet after school for one hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the band room to practice music. Some of the opportunities and benefits are:

- One-on-one instruction time

- A safe space to practice

- Dedicated practice time away from at-home distractions

- Small ensembles (like duets, trios, quartets) will be set up

- Small ensembles (like duets, trios, etc.) will have the opportunity to perform the music they learn together in April