Cell Phone Policy

Cell phones, earphones (including air pods), and other personal electronic devices (including smart watches) will not be permitted during the school day. Students will have the option of utilizing those devices before and after school. Personal electronic devices that are either seen or heard during the school day will be immediately confiscated. Students are permitted to keep a cell phone in a bag or backpack throughout the school day for use before and after school as long as those devices are not heard or seen. Exceptions to this policy will be made in cases where there is a medical need established through a health care plan or a 504 plan.

We recognize the need for parents/guardians to be able to communicate with their students from time to time. When that need presents itself, we advise that you call the school. Within minutes, we will be able to deliver the message to the student or call the student down to the office to have a conversation with you directly.

Bennion Junior High School and Bennion staff members are not responsible or held liable for electronic devices lost, stolen, or broken on Bennion Junior High School property.

Students Caught with an Electronic Device

1st Offense: Student will surrender the device to the staff member. Student will be able to pick up the device at the end of the school day from the front office. 

 2nd Offense: Student will surrender the device to the staff member. A parent/guardian will be contacted to pick the device up at the end of the school day from the front office. Arrangements can be made for parents who are unable to pick it up.

3rd Offense: Student will surrender the device to the staff member. Student and parent/guardian will need to meet with an administrator to pick up the device from the office. 

Additional offenses related to electronic devices will result in the student going through the school disciplinary process.