Project Components

Research Paper

Connection to an Outside Expert

Presentation to an Authentic Audience

Examples of Recent Capstone Thesis Statements

  • Although CRISPR technology has the potential to create treatment for a variety of genetic diseases and make incredible advancements in issues such as world hunger and iron deficiency, it also poses a myriad of social consequences and ethical questions.

  • In order to improve the economic system, private ownership of businesses should be abolished, in its place create a strong sector of worker cooperatives because they mitigate many of the world's problems, bring democracy to the workplace, and they perform better than traditional capitalist businesses.

  • With teen depression on the rise, schools need to act in order to support suffering students; this can be done through awareness, assistance programs, and in-school mental health resources.

  • Intervertebral disc disease is a serious illness that must be diagnosed and treated early in order to avoid serious medical issues in canines.

  • While many people understand the physical health effects of climate change, it actually has a great effect on mental health due to eco-anxiety as well as PTSD.

  • Biofuels are a practical alternative to an electric car future because they are more environmentally friendly, more compatible with today’s technology, and enough of the fuel can be produced for large portions of the United States.

  • The traditional process of cocoa production is reliant upon the most vulnerable children of West Africa who are exploited into demanding physical labor on cocoa farms, which serves as the foundation for the global chocolate industry.

Examples of Cooperation with an Outside Expert

  • A student interested in space colonization spoke with a director at Collins Aerospace who is working on Project Artemis for NASA.

  • A student who researched art therapy spoke with an individual who works for the Hole in the Wall Camp and does art therapy at Boston-area hospitals.

  • A student looked into the removal of Confederate statues and spoke with a professor from Longwood University in Virginia who teaches Southern History courses.

  • A student whose research focused on police reform following the Black Lives Matter protests interviewed a sheriff in the county in MN where George Floyd was killed.

Examples of Presentations to the Community

  • A recycled fashion show to highlight the issues of "fast fashion" and the environmental threat our cheap clothing poses. Guests were able to choose from donated clothing items to take home after the show.

  • A soccer clinic for middle school students

  • A benefit concert where high school bands played to an audience to raise money for the American Cancer Society.

  • An art show featuring high school artists at a local venue to emphasize the importance of the arts in education. Funds raised were donated back to arts scholarships for graduating seniors.

  • A presentation to the local education foundation where research regarding single-use plastic was presented and a grant-funded water bottle-filling station was requested.