5th Grade Schedule

This year, 5th grade students will switch to 4 classes (Science, Math, Reading, SS/Homeroom) plus lunch, recess, and specials. Each student will start in 1st period with their homeroom teacher. If you are in my homeroom, we start the day with Science and will end with Social Studies.  Students will not rotate through classes this year by homeroom as a group. Each student will have their individual rotation schedule, much like middle and high school schedules. Students will switch to 2nd and 3rd periods then travel to lunch/recess with homeroom teachers. After recess, students will return to their homeroom class for 4th period to receive a Social Studies lesson and have "Roadrunner" time. This is a time for students to receive pull-out services such as GT instruction and MTSS interventions as well as a time to work on assignments from the day. After 4th period will be specials (M-Art, T-Library, W-PE, Th-Music, F-PE). Please wear tennis shoes to PE on W/F. Students will then be dismissed after specials. There will be lots of safety procedures before, during, and between each class. Please help us stay safe and healthy by donating HAND SANITIZER (w/pumps), LYSOL SPRAY, Febreze Air Freshener & CLEANING WIPES throughout the school year!