Welcome to English with Ms. Couto

Email: angie.couto@granburyisd.org

Remind for face-to-face students: Text @fka3922 to 81010

Remind for virtual students: Text @77abbf to 81010

Conference: 8th period 3:22 - 4:15

Office hours through Google Meets: MWF 10:35 - 11:25

Tutoring: before school at 8:00, possible after school TBA

About me...

Hi! I am so excited to be your English teacher this year! I've been in education now for 15 years and have spent all but one of those in Granbury. I graduated from Tarleton State University with my degree in English and began teaching high school courses. After a few years, I came to GMS to teach 8th grade and then in 2008 began working on my degree to become a counselor. After three years as a counselor here at GMS, I stayed home for one year with a new baby (who is now 4) and returned to the classroom! I have three amazing kids - Jaden ( a GISD graduate), Dylon (a GISD Freshman), and Casyn (a GISD pre-k baby!) I love to read, exercise, and just hang out with my family and friends. I know things are uncertain right now, but one thing that I know for sure is that I LOVE teaching, I have MISSED my students and I am EXCITED to be starting this new school year full of possibilities!