Parent Resources

Homework Expectations

I try really hard to spread out homework assignments, quizzes, and tests so students can manage their time wisely and focus on one assignment at a time. I do give students a tentative calendar of our unit, so I expect them to be checking for due dates daily and staying caught up with their work. If students are absent for any reason, they can check my website to see what they missed.

In the event a student is excused from school for illness or otherwise, the student will have 2 days for every day they are missing to make up his or her work. It will be the student’s responsibility to check my website to see what they missed.

Late Homework Policy

The Notre Dame Middle School late homework policy requires that there will be a score reduction for late assignments. If an assignment is handed in to me past the time it was due, there will be a 10% deduction on the overall grade of the assignment.

Students should come see me if they are concerned about a due date. I understand that life happens and middle school can be extremely stressful. I would rather a student come see me before the due date if he/she is going to have an issue handing in the assignment.

Consequences for Plagiarism

Waiting for update.

Communication with Teacher After Hours

If you would like to contact me throughout the school year, feel free to email me at: or call me at 920-337-1115. I regularly check my emails at night, so feel free to contact me with questions or concerns. (I typically am in bed by 9pm, though.) If you would like to get updates and reminders about larger homework assignments, please feel free to join my classroom on Remind.

6th Grade Language Arts: text @kk9d4b to the number 81010

7th Grade Language Arts: text @6c8kb to the number 81010

8th Grade Language Arts: text @bk9c9 to the number 81010

6th Grade Religion: text @a3b863 to the number 81010

Grade Posting

  • Articles of the Week/Vocabulary/Spelling: I try to grade these the weekend after they are finished. For example, if the assignment was due on Friday, I usually grade it Saturday or Sunday.
  • Projects/Essays: We spend A LOT of class time on projects and essays. Please do not expect me to have these graded overnight. It takes A LOT of time to thoroughly grade an essay and write down meaningful feedback. Patience!
  • Late Assignments: Please, do not email me if you have turned in a late assignment and I haven't graded it yet. I check my missing bin once or twice a week, but do not expect me to update missing assignments daily.