Please find below a collection of websites and resources that can be used to support and enrich your homework experience.

E-safety Online - Please use your school email address to sign up, if required. Gain parental permission to setup or access an account.

Grace Academy Live Lessons: The academy has a large bank of lessons recorded across a range of subjects that all students can access to revise past content from previous years or to review current or upcoming lessons (Students need to be logged into their grace academy email address )

Ted Ed has a wealth of videos exploring all sorts of different topics including determining who was the worlds first author, exploring why vultures are the heroes of our ecosystem, and how blood transfusions work. (No login required)

The Big History Project contains videos and stories that try to explain the full history of our planet, from the creation of the Universe to the modern day. Watch through the hours of videos to get a sense of our place in time. (No login required)

Scratch allows students to create their own computer programmes. Students will be familiar with this website from their computing lessons in school. (No login required)

BBC Bitesize is a free website that allows you to independently study a wide range of subjects through many different activities. (No Login required)

National Geographic Kids has a wealth of resources about the world around us. (No login required)

Khan Academy is an online platform with free courses covering a range of courses. Though American the content is still applicable for UK students. (Free sign up required)

Hegarty Maths has detailed videos teaching mathematics and then lots of quizzes to check your understanding. Maths teachers will set you specific tasks but you can search the entire website for any new topics, or request additional work from your teacher. (Login required - Name/DOB)

Duolingo is a free website that allows you to learn a language. Choose French to support your lessons in school or pick another language to impress your parents and friends! (Google Login can be used)

The Blue Planet documentaries exploring animal life in the ocean is entirely free to watch on BBC iPlayer. (BBC login and confirmation of a TV license required)

Kahoot hosts a wide range of quizzes testing your knowledge on a range of different topics. After you have finished all your SMHW quizzes stretch yourself with these! (No login required)

Dynasties is another documentary series exploring the lives of land animals. Another great watch! (BBC login and confirmation of a TV license required)

Amazon kindle have a large number of copyright free books that you can download on your phone or to your kindle. The books are mainly older books but some classics like Oliver Twist or Journey to the Centre of the earth. (Amazon account required)

Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) has lots of workouts you can do from home without any equipment (No login required)