Week of August 26th-30th
A Note From Mrs. McCallister
Dear parents,
We had a busy first full week together. I am so proud of how hard they are working. I also noticed this class has some really big hearts! I love their positive attitudes and smiles each day. :)
Also, on August 29th we are offering two sessions to choose from for curriculum night. You can choose between the 5:30 or 6:00 session. The same information will be shared at both sessions. If you are not able to attend please email me so I can be sure to send a copy of the presentation and folder home with your child.
Please continue to talk with your child about what lunch they should be picking each day and also how they will get home. If there is a change in dismissal please email me and the office staff or call the office staff before 3:00 p.m.
Have a great weekend!
Important Dates
29th, Curriculum Night, 5:30 OR 6:00
2nd, No School
4th, Picture Day
Please send a water bottle with your child each day.
Please send a snack with your child each day.
Week at a Glance
Reading & Phonics
I can identify characters in a story.
I can identify letters and sounds.
I can identify, count and write numbers to 5.
I can subitize to 5.
I can write uppercase and lowercase letters in my name.
I can form letters correctly using the correct pencil grip.