Mrs. Burry

My Mission is to live joyfully, serve humbly, love unconditionally so that we might reach our collective potential.

Get to Know Your Teacher

What is your teacher’s favorite color? RED

What is your teacher’s favorite food? Chicken Nuggets! Actually, food. I just like all food.

Would your teacher rather live on the beach or in the mountains? That is a tough one! Definitely in the mountains!

What is your teacher’s favorite drink? C.O.F.F.E.E.

What is your teacher’s favorite animal? All. I like all animals!

What are your teacher's favorite hobbies? Running, sewing, gardening, reading, and traveling.

What is your teacher's favorite book genre? Totally depends on the time of the year! Usually Non-fiction inspirational and YA Sci-fi

Where is your teacher’s favorite place to go on vacation? Tough one, I like to go camping right now!

What is your teacher’s favorite season? Summer! My birthday is in the summer and I love hot weather!