Social Pragmatics

The way we use language to communicate socially, including conversation and verbal and nonverbal communication skills

Websites and Apps

At-Home Activities

  • Stories - when you child is reading books or watching TV/movies/videos, pause sometimes and as them what the character is feeling and talk about how you can tell in the character's actions or behavior (for example, I know they're mad because they slammed the door; they're sad because they started to cry)

  • Emotions Uno/War - if you have the game Uno, assign an emotion to each color, like red is angry, blue is sad, green is happy, and yellow is scared. Whenever you or your child puts down a card with that color, pretend to feel that way and see if the other person can identify the emotion. You can do the same thing while playing War with a regular deck of cards - just assign the emotions to a set of numbers instead of a color