Ancient River Valley Civilizations


Students will be able to:

  • Locate Mesopotamia, The Fertile Crescent, and Tigris & Euphrates Rivers

  • Evaluate the effects of flooding and irrigation on agriculture

  • Evaluate their group’s civilization geography in relationship to Mesopotamia

  • Recognize Mesopotamian contributions to civilization:

    • Cuneiform

    • Trade and barter systems

    • Early legal system development - Hammurabi’s Code

  • Understand how Judaism, the first religion based on ethical monotheism, originated and influenced the development of Christianity and Islam, and had a major influence on Western civilization.

Ancient Egypt

Students will be able to:

  • Locate Egypt and the Nile River - both its source and its delta.

  • Analyze why Egypt is referred to as the Gift of the Nile and its effect on agriculture and settlement

  • Analyze how Egyptian society formed and developed

    • Describe and explain the social class system

    • Describe and explain the role of the pharaoh

    • Describe and explain life in Egyptian society

  • Identify and analyze the major achievements of the Old, Middle and New Kingdoms.

    • hieroglyphics

    • papyrus

    • trade networks (ie. the Land of Punt)

    • mathematics

    • architecture/pyramids