
The Civil Society Forum is one of many tracks of focus at LDC5. The engagement of CSOs in the work of the UN helps build support for the promotion of sustainable development in the LDCs, brings their expertise and lessons learned on key implementation areas of the Doha Programme of Action (DPoA) and helps build support for its implementation. Civil society has played a key role in all UN Conferences on LDCs since the first Conference on the LDCs in Paris in 1981, and has been a crucial partner for the United Nations and the LDCs.

Civil Society is key to building knowledge about the work of the UN at the local level and supporting progress towards achieving development goals. The Istanbul Programme of Action for the LDCs (IPoA) recognized the role of civil society in its implementation and called for their participation. The organization of the Civil Society Track for LDC5 responds to the request by Member States for the full inclusion of civil society organizations and other relevant stakeholders in the preparatory process and at the Conference. The Civil Society Forum is being organized in collaboration with a Core Group of civil society organizations composed of LDC-Watch, Global Policy Forum, Third World Network and Social Watch. The Concept Note is provided at the bottom. 

Civil Society Forum Programme (source)

LDC5 CSF_Programme.pdf

Detailed Programme check back for the latest updates

LDC5 - CSF Programme - version 1-3-2023

Concept Note (En & FR)

LDC5 CSF Concept Note.pdf
LDC5 CSF Concept Note_fr.pdf

The CSO Forum @ Doha

1. Hold Member States accountable for the full range of commitments made in the Doha Programme of Action (DPoA) & explore how other multilateral processes can promote or generate obstacles to the implementation of DPoA.

2. Provide an opportunity for CSOs worldwide to develop plans & strategies for effective post-Doha advocacy.