Identity Project

Identity Project

For my identity project, I added things that describe me, like my interests and things that remind me of memories. I added roses since they are one of my favorite flowers and my mom has several planted around our house. Music has also been a huge part of my life, so I decided to include a drawing of a music record with musical notes playing around it and a pair of headphones next to it, since I always have headphones or earbuds on me so I can play music. Next to the music side of my identity project, I drew a rabbit and a turtle, representing the pets I've had over the years. Throughout my life, I owned several rabbits and three turtles. Currently, I have a turtle named Estrella. Finally, I drew a cup of coffee, a cookie, and an avocado. Ever since I was younger, my family would always sit together and enjoy a cup of coffee while talking together almost every day, so coffee means a lot to me. Usually, we would drink coffee with cookies that my sister baked for us, so I decided to draw one next to the coffee cup. I also decided to add an avocado because it is my favorite thing to add to almost any food. All of these things hold a lot of meaning to me and describe who I am.Â