Valeria G.
Valeria. G was born on 6/5/2013. She was the 2nd child of Amando and Sandra. Her sister, Viviana who was 3 at the time loved her very much. Now she goes Woodland Acres Middle School. She is a good student and gets A's and B's in her classes. Her favorite subject in school is Social Studies because she loves learning things about the past.
Her hobbies are gaming, singing, and listening to music. She likes to play video games such as Roblox, Minecraft, and many more. She likes to listen to Imagine Dragons. She loves spending time with her friends and family.
She has a lot of accomplishment. One of them was when her mom gave her a letter and saw that she was in encounters. She was very excited to be in encounters. She was very happy to be in encounters.
Her goals in the present are to get good grades, make friends, be kind to everyone, and to the best she can be. Her goals in the future are to go to a college that is close to her home. She wants to be a singer when she grows up because she loves to sing and she loves music. Valeria always tries to be the best she can be knowing that she doesn't need to be perfect or the best she just needs to be the best she can be.