Short Story #2

Open Door

The children stared up at the tower, then looked at the open door. There were 5 children that were exploring a small town, they were having a lot of fun until they came across a tower, it was rusty and looked old, it looked like it had been there for ages. They saw a open door and decided to go in it, one of the friends said not too because they don't know what's in there, but they didn't listen, instead they got there flashlights and walked right in, once they got inside there was clown paintings and other things that creeped them out but did they get scared, no as a matter of fact they decided to still keep on looking around. A few hours passed and they reached the top of the tower, they thought it was pretty cool until they heard creaking which was not one of the kids. They looked behind them and saw nothing, then they saw a door that wasn't there before, at first they didn't want to go in until one of the kids said ¨ It can't be that bad ¨ they all agreed and went in, there was a lot of creepy things like doll heads, and just broken toys. One of the boys stayed back while the others decided to look around, while the kids were looking around they heard someone scream, they looked at their friend that was supposed to be right there but instead he was gone, they didn't want to look for him and they all ran out, once they got to the bottom there parents were right there waiting for them. The kids told them that something or someone took one of the kids and the parents got scared and called the police, once they got there they searched all around, even inside but didn't find anything. A few years passed and till this day the 4 kids that were left still wondered what happened to the kid, and thought we should've never gone behind the door.

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