Currently... and also past work

September 15&16

Cell Unit

*assignments: 1). Cell Unit LT 3,4,5*

1). Cell Unit LT 3,4,5 is an interactive Google Slide with interactive tasks throughout the slide deck where students will explore Levels of Organization within cells

During the synchronous portion of the class we will be covering the introduction to cells unit further explaining and clarifying Cell Theory

September 14th

Students are taking their Beginning of Year exams so they will not be engaging with regular class schedules. Students can, however, catch up on any assignments they haven't turned in or resubmit corrected work for grade adjustments

September 10&11

Finishing up Safety Unit and Beginning Cell Unit

***in Google Classroom under the Google Meets section of Classwork, there is a video that explains how to take the test (and retake if necessary)***

**1st Period should have received the Beginning of Year exam logins around 8pm 9/9/2020, and a question was posted in the Google Classroom 9/10/2020 around 8am to ensure they did/ resend to students who didn't see theirs**

*assignments: 1). Cells LT 1,2 Digital Lesson 2). Safety Test*

1). Students will complete the beginning of the cell unit which focuses on the main components of Cell Theory, this assignment is an interactive Google Slide with individual tasks throughout the slide deck

2). Students will be taking their safety test during the synchronous portion of the class. As explained in the Google Meet last class, every student must score a 100%. The test allows for multiple attempts and there is a slide deck with resources posted in the same assignment tab

September 8&9

Introductions and safety content

*assignments: 1). Safety Contract 2). Safety Practice 3). About Me*

1). Safety Contract: MANDATORY FOR SCIENCE CLASSES; students and their parents will digitally sign the GoogleForm after reading the embedded PDFs, either in English or Spanish, and answer questions pertaining to safety in the lab classroom

2). Safety Practice: students are using a prepared GoogleSlide deck with images of safety equipment from the classroom as reference for answering the questions in the GoogleForm about lab safety, this activity is preparation for the upcoming Safety Test (Thurs+Fri 9/10+9/11)

3). About Me: an easy GoogleForm assignment where students are answering questions about themselves and some illusion/logic exercises