Weekly Assignments

Monday :

Activity 1-Parents please read out loud to your child for ten minutes.

Activity 2- Students should practice rote counting up to 50.


Activity 1- Students, please recite and write the alphabet two times, upper and lower case.

Activity 2- Go on a scavenger hunt in your house and find 2 circles, squares, triangles, rectangle, ovals and stars.

Wednesday :

Activity 1- Find some objects that are similar and add two object groups together using five different items.

Activity 2- Name Writing- rainbow write your name three times in red, yellow and blue

Activity 3- Go on a scavenger hunt and find two things with the letters A-G

Thursday :

Activity 1- Find some objects that are similar and subtract two object groups together using five different items.

Activity 2- Months of the Year, review the twelve months of the year. Find a months of the year song you like on you tube.

Activity 3- Go on a scavenger hunt and find two things with the letters H-R

Friday :

Activity 1- Review Letters / Sounds by writing the alphabet one more time.

Activity 2- Make and label the pictures of 7 items you found in your house on your scavenger hunt

Activity 3- Addition Review. Add like numbers together. 1+1, 2+2, 3+3 and so on up to ten.