Principle of Applied Engineering                  Engineering Design I             Engineering Design II

Ms. White

Class overview

 The major focus of all 3 courses is to expose students to a design process, professional communication and collaboration methods, design ethics, and technical documentation. Throughout this cluster students will be given the opportunity to develop skills in research and analysis, teamwork, technical writing, engineering graphics, and problem solving through activity-, project-, and problem-based (APPB) learning. Used in combination with a teaming approach, APPB-learning challenges students to continually hone their interpersonal skills and creative abilities while applying math, science, and technology knowledge learned in other courses to solve engineering design problems and communicate their solutions. Students will also develop strategies to enable and direct their own learning, an ultimate goal of education. Students who complete the entire program will have the opportunity to earn an Autodesk Certified User for Inventor Professional certification. 




About me

Hi, I am Ms.White, and I am beyond excited to be your Engineering teacher. I am a former GPISD student, and a Prairie View A&M University graduate. As an undergraduate at PV, I studied and obtained a degree in Chemical Engineering. After obtaining this degree, I realized sitting behind a desk and calculating formulas wasn't my passion. I began working in the education field and unintentionally fell in love. Students are my passion, seeing each individual thrive and grow as a person gives me joy. Therefore this school year, I look most forward to getting to know everyone of my students and help each one set and attain their personal goals. Any question? Please don't hesitate to ask. My contact info can be found at the bottom of this page in the footer.




Here are a few links to help my students and parents access a few important sites/resources.