English III/Technical Writing

Contact information

Email: cdjackson@galenaparkisd.com

Phone: (832) 386-2929

Office Hours/tutorials:

After school on Thursday from 2:45-3:45

Galena Park ISD Website:


Check Google Classroom Daily to determine what topics/assignments were covered in class each day!

Parents, would you like to schedule a conference? If so, click the link below.


Click the link below to gain access to Skyward. This is where you can check your student's grades and attendance.


To Gain Skyward Access

This is where you can check grades and attendance.


Ms. Jackson

I am passionate about English and teaching students. It is my top priority to ensure this school year is a success for students, parents, and our staff. Please always be encouraged and strive to do your best, as will I. I look forward to meeting each of you!

