michaela w.
michaela is a 11 year old girl who hates middle school to the bone. her favorite class is social studies and science. her least favorite class is ELAR and advisory. she loves dogs and gummy worms. she plays saxophone and also is in art class. she loves her parents and now dead dog. she loves music and doesn't have a favorite genre, her favorite band is mother mother. she loves baking cookies with her mom and playing on her phone though she hates talking to people who are not her she also wears hoodies no matter what and hates the color yellow, she does get mad easily but doesn't have anger issues. she also loves arts and crafts and will often be seen drawing in sketchbook or her phone, she also loves gaming so she plays games anytime she can. she doesn't know how to start a conversation so most of the time you might have to talk first to talk to her. one of her most recent goals was to start doing nails and keeping a journal or start photography. currently she is doing pixel art and is not the best but decent at it, as she also had a social media on *T pixel studio, and will soon have a tiktok account regarding to her pixel art or possible Instagram. her favorite animals are dogs, foxes, sugar gliders, cows, and much much more and probably can give you two or more facts on the animal you ask her for.