Maximilian Martinez

Max, is a unique person no one knows if it's in a good way or a bad way. He was born on  September 21, 2011, in Downtown Houston. His family consists of his father, sister, and mother.  he is into futuristic things like Futurama. The people who make him feel better are his family and friends.  His only good talent is in games and in math. He loves to compete with other people and always likes being around people he is comfortable with. His favorite artists are Kanye West and MF DOOM. Max's favorite song from MF DOOM is Meat Grinder and by Kanye is Late I.f it wasn't already, he's into rap music. He loves to play video games like Mortal Kombat and loves to draw. He always tries to make his father proud by trying his best. Max's most recent accomplishment is joining encounters. His goal as of right now is to stay at this level.  He dreams of living a happy life with someone and having a house together, but right now he is trying his best to make his father proud. Max still has a lot to learn, considering that he is only 12 years old at this moment.