Middle Ages Essay


The Middle Ages was a really important period where many people lost their fighting for their country. Many things were created and produced for example The Black Death. The history was really unfair and was the most dangerous time period known to man.  This text will demonstrate people three different things that happened during this period.


Feudalism, a type of government ruled by a king, and was the government and the society used during the Middle Ages. Feudalism was mostly knowingly found in the continent of Europe. It lasted from the 9th century to the 15th. The whole idea of “Feudalism” was based on the feudal system that was during that time. The reason why Feudalism started in the first place was because many empires would make other smaller groups. This can be found in Duckster's text about Feudalism called “Feudal System” “ The lord owned the land and everything in it. He would keep the peasants safe in return for their service. The lord, in return, would provide the king with soldiers or taxes.”This shows how Feudalism actually worked during that time.

Feudalism was a type of government really unique. Since this type of government was used throughout a time when people were a lot cruel you would expect this to be like one we have not seen before. The way Feudalism worked was a type of system where people were given a piece of land and protection from the people in high rank. To return the favor to superior people, they fought and worked for them. What I'm trying to explain is that making people fight is really uneconomic for the peasants during that time period.

Although it was a government system followed by all, most people did not benefit since many peasants were not allowed to rank up. In other words, they would have to work till they died. The people who benefited were the lords, a newborn that was a lord would get special treatment and was cared for even though he or she did not deserve it.

Feudalism ended when it started plenty of political arguments. Of course, the king could not handle this type of political argument so for the best they would have to stop this government system.

The Black Death

The most pandemic virus “ The Black Death '' is known as the black blotches in your skin that were present during The Middle Ages. The Covid of the Middle Ages.Like if that time period was not dangerous enough with Feudalism. Around 50 million people died because of it, COVID-19 can not compare the number of deaths it caused. This was so dangerous it caused the 100-Year War to have a short break. It got its name because of what it actually did to us. The Black Death causes the human tissues to die out and turn black. Hence the name of the virus. I know this because of an article called“History of Black Death” “Victims of the disease were covered with dark blotches due to damage to the underlying skin and tissue.” This tells us about what The Black Death did to us.

It started because of traders, not like we are blaming them. It is because pests and other bacteria got in the traders' resources causing the disease to pass along. This is where the Plague Doctors come in. These people were not evil like the internet tricks us to think that. They were doctors treating the victims of the Black Death. This specific bacterium called “Yersinia pestis' ' was the reason why this started. They would bite and pass it to a human, then a human would cough toxins causing anyone who smelled it with the Black Death. It was most known to be passed down by body lice and human fleas.It ended with the quarantine in the infected people. That was the most obvious decision since it could pass to other people.

100 Year War

To start off, this war did not last 100 years, it was about 116 years. This war mostly took place in the country of France. Many people die like in most wars. The death count was 2.3 million to 3.5 million deaths. The Black Death killed a lot more people during this age. The reason it started was that Flanders was invaded by Edward lll. The war was between the countries France and England. This war took place in the 13th Century or in 1337. I know this information from the website “Kids Kiddle” Where the author wrote “ It lasted 116 years from 1337 to 1453. The war started because Charles IV of France died in 1328 without an immediate male heir (i.e., a son or younger brother). Edward III of England then believed he had the right to become the new king of France through his mother.” This explains when this took place and why it started.

This war was the reason why England’s status caused the English to expand their power in the sea. Edward invaded England because of their succession to The French Throne. King Philip VI, the one chosen to become king after the death of his first cousin, was the main target since he was the king throughout the war. This information can also be found in “historyextra”  “Charles’s first cousin was chosen to succeed, becoming King Philip VI. Yet Edward III of England, as the deceased king’s nearest male relation, was considered by some to have the stronger claim.” This explains what was the reason why it started.

The ending was the safest way to end the war. The Treaty of Picquingy was signed by both the Kingdom of England and France. The final act before the treaty was the Battle of Castillon in 1453. The French ultimately won since the English lost most of their continental possessions.


In conclusion, thanks to The Middle Ages we learned plenty of things like how to quarantine. Without knowing how to we could be in even more danger. We also learned how to make governments fair, well not everyone learned. Many people we unalived sadly but we have to learn from our mistakes. This period will always be a hell of a mystery.

Works Cited 

“Middle Ages Feudal System.” Ducksters. www.ducksters.com/history/middle_ages_feudal _system.php  

Accessed 22 February 2023. 

Ross, David. “Feudalism and Medieval Life.” Britain Express. www.britainexpress.com 

/History/Feudalism_and_Medieval_life.htm Accessed 7 February 2023.

”History of Black Death.” All About History. allabouthistory.org/history-of-black-death.htm. Accessed 23 

February 2024.

”Middle Ages Feudal System.” Ducksters. www.ducksters.com/history/middle_ages_feudal_system.php. 

Accessed 15 February 2024.

”The Black Death of 1348 to 1350.” History Learning Site. www.historylearningsite.co.uk/medi 

eval-england/black-death-1348-1350/. Accessed 23 February 2024.

”Hundred Years’ War Facts for Kids.” Kids Encyclopedia Facts. kids.kiddle.co/Hundred_Years%27_War. 

Accessed 23 February 2024.