
Josue's boring journey

Josue Prudencio is in 8th grade, in encounters and ccr, 13 years old, and was born October 24th, at 1:00 AM in Houston Texas 5 years after his sister, he loves food, he loves games, he loves his family, and he was born in Lyndon B Johnson hospital, he grew up with his dad, sister, and mom. He also grew up in a decent house and household. When he was born he loved to kick and hit everything he saw coming his way. And every time he got carried by his older sister, he would always pull his sisters hair lightly.

His hobbies consist of video editing, playing video games, and making YouTube videos for fun, or to make revenue off of it. He doesn't like school, but he does like meeting his friends in school, this consists of Derek, Josiah, Jordan, and Dylan. He also has a cousin named Joseph Lopez, he has really good grades, is really good at math, and loves games like Josue. One of Josue’s talents is that he can. Another one of his hobbies is to draw during free time or when hes bored. The last hobby of his is that he loves to play soccer at home and at different types of places.

One of his recent accomplishments is that he learnt how to do 20 kick ups, learn rainbow flick, and kick the ball better then how he used to kick the ball. And the second accomplishment of his is that he got over one hundred subscribers on YouTube. His third accomplishment is that he got a xbox and now he could play games better then how he used to play on his laptop. His last accomplishment is that he is about to turn four teen on October twenty fourth.

His goals are to get back into advanced math or algebra, and to get good grades for the whole year in every single class. Another one of his goals this year is to try to earn enough money to buy airpods and items for his family like his sister, mom, and dad.