About Me Collage

Hello, I am Javier L.

I am a 6th Grade web developer, music producer, & coder.

By these titles you can surely tell i'm making a lot of money by this. I've only made $2.13

It is a tough life as a developer.

Here are my hobbies.

I Generally Like Marvel, Coding, & Sleeping

I like to travel even though i am broke.

                     Here are things I like                     but                               detalied

As you can see here, there is a beautiful human sleeping. Most of the day i wish that was me. But here I am :).

I absolutely LOVE Wing Stop. It is one of my favorite places to eat at when I'm not coding. I LOVE their Louisiana Rub, & Lemon Pepper wings.

Here are photos of my favorite food.

These Foods are mostly take out and I doordash a lot because I dont have the time to cook and I need to code.

The reason i doordash alot is because after i get home i get to coding then to homework so my day is filled.

I also make websites, and code.

here are my personal websites.       Portfolio [unfinished] :, Games Website [made by me]  


 Simplefolio [unfinished]

This Project is interactive meaning you can interact with it. It is Unfinished as i have been working on other stuff.

This is a paper.io clone made by me.

This project took me 2 months, from start to finish. It was a hard time. I worked with javascript, HTML, and a bit of CSS to style the page but the algorithms for the in-game robots were hard as I had to use python and an excessive amount of javascript.

Breaking Bad is a
overall good series depicting a man in the 2008's economy & how you can get led to a bad path

Better Call Saul, This show has great cinematography & great shots. Depicts a lawyer and how bad decisions lead him to a life time in jail.

the Boondocks is a great show for 3 reasons. Raises awareness for racism, is funny, & depicts black culture jokes such as r.kelly. 

Total Drama is a comedic show about a reality tv. It's really good and on netflix :).