The mission of Galena Park Independent School District is to prepare students to become productive citizens and lifelong learners. We feel that by engaging our students in exciting lessons that explore and incorporate higher level thinking skills, we can assure success for all of our students.
La misión del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Galena Park es preparar a los estudiantes para que se conviertan en ciudadanos productivos y aprendices de por vida. Creemos que al involucrar a nuestros estudiantes en lecciones emocionantes que exploran e incorporan habilidades de pensamiento de alto nivel, podemos asegurar el éxito de todos nuestros estudiantes.
"Working together we will achieve the vision where giftedness and high potential are fully recognized, universally valued, and actively nurtured to support children from all backgrounds in reaching for their personal best and contributing to their communities." -NAGC Priority
The Galena Park Independent School District is dedicated to the development of each student to the extent of individual abilities. The district has made a commitment to identify and serve gifted and talented students with educational experiences and/or services appropriate to their unique needs. Students may be enrolled in a variety of programs including, but not limited to, Journeys, Encounters, Pre-Advanced Placement, and Advanced Placement. Students are provided differentiated learning experiences with an emphasis on the processes of thinking, problem-solving, research, creativity, and communication.
El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Galena Park está dedicado al desarrollo de cada estudiante en la medida de sus habilidades individuales. El distrito se ha comprometido a identificar y servir a los estudiantes dotados y talentosos con experiencias educativas y / o servicios adecuados a sus necesidades únicas. Los estudiantes pueden inscribirse en una variedad de programas que incluyen, entre otros, viajes, encuentros, colocación pre-avanzada y colocación avanzada. Los estudiantes reciben experiencias de aprendizaje diferenciadas con énfasis en los procesos de pensamiento, resolución de problemas, investigación, creatividad y comunicación.
Gifted and Talented Contact
Victoria DucoteGVE GT Cadrevducote@galenaparkisd.comMrs. Ducote's Website