6th Grade Reflection

Something that I did this year and I will never forget is making my Encounters shield with my friends because it was a very fun experience.  I am also very proud of myself because my choir was able to get a 1st place trophy for UIL, and because throughout the school year, I never got a grade below 89 in the grade book. The most challenging part of my 6th grade year was the last 4 weeks because everyone was stressing about STAAR and so was I, but as an Encounters student I had more things to do like my Middle Ages Research, my website, my shield, etc. If I could change one thing that happened this year it would be the UIL date because it was on a Saturday, and Saturdays are usually my breaks. The three most important things that I learned this year were to not gossip about anyone because you can lose friends very easily, to pay more attention to class, and to do your work at home. Something very hard for me to do at the beginning of the school year was reading for enjoyment, but now that I read almost every day, I got used to it and I improved. I think that I also improved a lot in math because when I was in 5th and 4th grade math was very frustrating and confusing to do, but now that I am in Middle School I tried to improve my grades and I guess I did because I always have an A in math. The six adjectives I would use to describe 6th grade are fun, easy, busy, brainy, anxious, and crazy.