Middle Ages Research Page

Ethan Gonzales

Encounters 6

Ms. Damante

April 19, 2024

The Middle Ages


Have you ever heard of the middle ages? It was a very dark time in the world and things like the black death and feudalism.The things in the essay will be about things like the black death, feudalism, and dragons. Feudalism is he why the economy worked in the middle ages the peasants were the lowest while the priest were at the top of it.The black death was the most deadly disease in the world and has killed more than 50 million people and it might even come back.Dragons were a mythical creature people believed in the middle ages they were gigantic and had insanely big wings and jaws.The middle ages were very incredible and dark at the same time. That is what my essay will be about and the things I talked about.


Feudalism is about they built a relationship with lords and vessels between a mutual service. Feudalism mostly strived in Europe and people believe where it started to happen the most war between the 9th and 15th century. It started to happen in most kingdoms during the fall of the roman empire which was 476 ce . feudalism happens when a kingdom starts to change their leader it started when the roman empire fell and couldn't get themselves straight on who would be leader. How feudalism works is basically a lord or noble who held land , a vessel is a person who let the noble have it. The peasants suffered the most b a they had to go through the most to while the kings had been benefited the most . Feudalism ended because of the

development of monarchy and more polite culture. The Feudal system was organized by nobles to vessels to surfs and then peasants.There wa salota lot of differences between the kings and the lowers . The peasants got shot if they did not listen or put them on a guillotine which is very scary .While the lords and the kings got to do anything they wanted to. That's how bad the feudal system works.

The Black Death

The Black Death is one of the most deadly diseases that killed over 45 million people . People say it came from rats and they were the ones who brought the disease. The doctors there had flowers in their mask which looked like a crow but putting flowers in the mask didn't help because they still got the disease. And so many people died that they had to make holes and throw people in there and they'll rot and smell really bad. And people who did have the disease would have big black splotches .( history of the black death… )The term black also referred to glum or dreadful due to the devastating effect this disease had on society. History records the Black Death as having begun in the fourteenth century in southern Russian near the Crimea. From here, the disease spread along Far Eastern routes towards Western Europe to the Middle East.People say that the black death is back in the modern days and it is very dangerous nor has it killed more than 50 million people by far . It is the most dangerous disease in the world. It is even more deadly than smallpox which is very deadly.Each year the black death cases are 200-700 a year. The black death originated in central Asia from rat like dogs called mirts gave the disease to rats because the come in contact with each other.The amount of bodies that died to the black death could go above the clouds that is how many people have died because of it.It is both amazing on hw there's a lot of diseases in the world and it is still the most deadly disease in the world that is incredible.


Dragons are a mythical creature that can breathe fire . Some people think they're real but scientists reject that because the wild is too big to eat anything . Dragons come in different sizes and colors.(Seven things you didn't know about medieval dragons…)Not without reason: the easy go-to embodiment for Satan was so popular among medieval people that by the thirteenth century, dragons were nevertheless pressed into service in religious art to represent Jesus.They are very ancient myths about dragons.Dragons everywhere people live ie in china dragons are very long and have hair. There aren't many types of dragons there are ny 7 types like wind fire and earth dragons.They can go fast at 18 mph which is pretty fast.(What is a dragon…)Thick, long bodied, scaly skin, four strong legs, two bat-like wings, wedge-shaped heads, and long necks. They usually are portrayed as breathing fire. Some breeds of these dragons have been known to be shape changers, and others have the chameleon power to change color of their background.dragons are gigantic standing at a whopping 320-1000 feet with a wingspan of 138 feet and could be as long as 115 feet .That is bigger than anything to ever exist in this world it's bigger than the biggest animal on planet earth watch is the blue whale which is 110 feet the only thing in modern earth bigger than he dragon is the burj khalifa.There is also more (what is a dragon…)When most people think "dragon" they most likely think of the Western dragon. Western dragons are usually portrayed as evil, mean, and bloodthirsty. They were also known to have huge hoards of gold and jewels hidden in their lairs. The most famous dragons are portrayed as Western-type dragons:


These are all the things that have happened and the things they believed what would happen the thing that happened in the middle ages were very sad . A lot of people either died or were very poor because of feudalism. The middle ages were a very dark time and things really have changed since then . There was a lot of things that could kill people lie the black death which is the most deadly disease in the world .And this will be the end of my essay hope you have a great day.

Works Cited 

”History of the Black Death.” All About History. 2002.allabouthistory.org/history-of-black-death.htm. 

Accessed 15 February 2024.

“Middle Ages Feudal System.” Ducksters. www.ducksters.com/history/middle_ages_feudal _system.php  

Accessed 22 February 2023. 

Ross, David. “Feudalism and Medieval Life.” Britain Express. www.britainexpress.com 

/History/Feudalism_and_Medieval_life.htm Accessed 7 February 2023.

”Seven Things You Did Not Know About Dragons.” Medivalists.com. www.medievalists.net/2017/04/s 

even-things-didnt-know-medieval-dragons/. Accessed 23 February 2024.

“What is a Dragon?” Draconian.com. www.draconian.com/whatis/whatis.htm. Accessed 28 February 


“The Black Death of 1348 to 1350.” History Learning Site. 2000. www.historylearningsite.co.uk/medie 

val-england/black-death-1348-1350/ Accessed 15 February 2024.