6th Grade Reflection

-What is something you did in 6th grade that you think you will remember for the rest of your life? Why? 

Something I would remember is all the field trips and memories we had throughout the year and the accomplishments we made to get to that point.  I also really loved doing my Middle Ages project especially the shield I loved it when we went to make, paint, and talk while making it. That was my favorite part since it kinda let out my art skills.

--What was the nicest thing someone in our class did for you this year?

what I could remember is that I would always bring snacks to school whenever I was feeling a little bit hungry and I would always give some to my friends and sometimes to teachers. Also on holidays, I bring a basket for my best friend for example on her birthday I would buy a basket and fill it up with candy, stuffed animals, and anything I would find that  I would think she would like.

-What was the most challenging part of this year for you?

The most challenging part of this year is keeping up with my friends and myself. I try to keep up with all my friends and make sure they're doing well or I'm talking to them constantly, but the most important thing is keeping up with myself. My projects, assignments, and grades, but I managed to make myself better.

-If you could change one thing that happened this year, what would it be and why?

One important thing I would change that happened this year is myself because I should've studied, worked harder, and stood up for myself. At the beginning of the school year, I didn't know what to do since it was my first year in middle school, but now I realize I should've done all those things. Now I started trying to keep up with all my important things first, and this made me a better person.

-What is something that was hard for you at the start of this year but is easy now?

Something that was hard for me is math since I was in normal math at the beginning of the year, but then moved to advanced which I didn't understand. All the other kids already knew things that I was still trying to understand which got me really confused about math. I was struggling with my grades for a bit but I got the hang of it and I actually tried , to this day i'm doing pretty good I would say for myself.