Daniel T.

Daniel Tovar is 12 years old and currently lives in Houston, Texas. He was born in Houston, Texas on September, 26 2011. He grew up in Houston, Texas for most of his life with his mom, dad, his two sisters, and his two dogs. He is also part Mexican, and he likes to visit his family during vacations in Monterrey, and Oaxaca. He currently runs a shoe-cleaning business, runs a YouTube channel, and is in baseball with a perfect record so far. His goals are to get better at sports, so he can get drafted by any league, but now he's thinking about studying law, business, programming, and psychology. His favorite foods are pizza, tacos, burgers, wings, and ribs. He likes to clean sneakers, play football, play baseball, play basketball, listen to music, play video games, spend time with his parents, cousins, uncles, aunts, and his teammates. He also likes to spend time with his friends Adrian, Max, Cesario, Kevin, Isiah, Jose, Johan, Giovanni, Alejandro, Jayson, Jeronimo, and Israel. He also likes sneakers, and he's been getting into them ever since he was in fifth grade, and he saves up his money, so he can buy some sneakers, and will take almost every opportunity to make some money.