Middle School

Encounters 6th

When I have been getting ready for 6th grade during the summer, I was excited to go to 6th grade, I wanted to see how the Middle school looked like from the inside because I have only gone there for ceremonies at end of the year, talent shows, and the gym to see people perform. When I finally got to see it was completely different than elementary school, the thing about middle school that I liked the most was that we would switch classes, and we would have five classes every day, it was fun having different classes every day, and to stay in the same every day or just switch to the same class every time. In encounters, we made lots of things, we made a scene of the middle ages in a shoebox, we also made a shield out of clay, which was fun, collages, the sketch of the shields on paper, and a lot of more cool things. In art class we drew something we liked then we colored it, cut it out, and finally, we sprayed painted over it outside with other spray-painted drawings, mine was the batman signal. In social studies, we once made our own Island, we had to draw it, color it, have many different countries, and write an essay about it, the name of my Island was candy land, we all had to draw it on a big piece of paper. Science was another one of my favorite periods, and we made a science fair project, and I choose spoiled milk, while I did this at home pored four different kinds of milk into containers and all of them spoiled at different times, the kinds of milk with less fat or sugar spoiled first while the milk with more didn’t.

In Encounters, there were many things we did and the only thing I did not do was go on The Middle ages field trip, my mom wouldn’t let me go and I ended up going to all my classes except encounters, instead, I went to Mrs. Demantes class, and read Percy Jackson the whole class. During this class, something weird happened, and I didn’t tell anyone when Mrs. Demante went to do something outside the classroom, a boy got on top of the desk, said something, and then went back down just in time for Mrs. Demante not to see anything. I didn’t want to say anything I did not want anyone to hate me, so I kept quiet until today, I will say who the boy was. The reason my mom didn’t let me go to The Middle Ages trip was that is not what my mom and my whole family and I don’t believe in or we don’t believe in what the Middle Ages people believed in period end of discussion.

When spring break finally came I was so happy because I could spend time with my family, we did many things together that I can’t remember, but when I woke up one day to get ready for school my mom said it was canceled because of covid-19. I was so happy that we had another week of spring break. Then online learning started, it was nice not to have to go to school and not have the STAAR test, instead, I would print out the work, do it, take a picture and turn it in, we had our own school Chromebook that we could use. Instead of google meets, we used zoom instead, I don’t remember having any zoom or google meets during online learning in 6th grade, I would also work anywhere, on my bed, on the couch, on the floor, downstairs, and on my office. During the whole online learning months, I didn’t step a foot outside, nor go to the store, it was really boring to stay inside, I almost missed school.

6th grade had many adventures, some highs, and some lows, but we got through it, and are now having everything online, and no even having a glance of the outside world, but that doesn’t matter anymore, were having a new adventure get past another year of online school. 6th grade was the best year of middle school, we had many adventures there, and I hope we have a bigger one this year too.

Dulce Coello - Personal Collage

My class made this collage and filled with some of our favorite thing and things to do, to know each other better, I think.

Coello College Collage, 2020

I made this collage because I want to go to Rice University to study to become a teacher just like I always wanted.

We made these shields in 6th grade for our challenge of the mind because we were writing about the Medieval times when dragons existed.

Encounters 7th

After finishing the 6th grade I was excited about how 7th grade would, but my mom decided to put me in virtual instead of face-to-face. I was sad that I couldn’t go to school, but it started out fine to be virtual because I could wear my pajamas all day instead of changing in the morning. My grades to get lower about on the third-ninth weeks so my mom had to put me in face-to-face, which I was very excited about because I could finally see my friends and teachers from last year again. After going face-to-face my grades started to improve greatly, and it has been a great experience to be back face-to-face with my teachers and classmates. 7th grade has been a fun and long roller coaster ride, but the best thing about it is that I got to see my classmates and teachers again after being virtual for almost half the year, but the best thing is that I love being face-to-face.

When I went back to school face-to-face we did much fun during the class, but one of them was painting rocks, this may sound boring, but it is actually very fun because you can choose anything you want to paint on it, and keep. When I got the chance to paint the rocks I choose to paint something for my favorite cousin, I choose one of her favorite thing, which was “Build-A-Bear”.  I decided to paint her name in gold, and in the back paint it all black the overlap it with the bear, and the name of the factory, it ended looking very nice. Some of my classmates and I finished the Research paper we needed to finish for Challenge of the Mind, but some of my classmates didn’t so they had to finish during class when we were doing other works. When everyone is done with the work Mr. Skipper gives us we have the chance to go outside the classroom and go walk or run on the track that is right next to Mr. Skipper’s classroom, which is my old elementary school cafeteria, but got changed into a classroom. There are only ten more school days left without counting the weekends, I hope we get to do some fun activities in Mr. Skipper's class because the schools are going to take away our Chromebooks, but I hope we do something fun for the last days of the school year. 

Seventh grade had many adventures, some highs, and some lows, but we got through it, and are going to start summer vacation soon because it is only ten days away from starting, and having fun for the whole summer because homework and tests don’t matter anymore, I am going to many adventures during summer. Seventh grade was one of the best years of school years I have had because I had many adventures during this year of school, and I hope that 8th grade has the same amount of fun as seventh grade. 7th grade has been a fun and long roller coaster ride, but the best thing about it is that I got to see my classmates and teachers again after being virtual for almost half the year, but the best thing is that I love being face-to-face. I hope I can go to the party the school is having on June 9th, one day before the end of school because they have so many fun activities planned for that day. I hope I have the best end of the year week next week because I want to go into summer with a big smile on my face.

This one of the things we did Encounters. It was to draw you favorite word.

Encounters 8th

My Name is Dulce Coello, and I am currently attending 8th grade at Woodland Acres Middle School. My 7th and 6th-grade years had been tough because of the pandemic, and at the start of 8th grade, I had covid-19 so I didn't attend classes for about 3 weeks. After I got better I went back to school to attend school and was lost because my schedule was wrong, so I was going to the wrong classes, but eventually found all my classes. I have been going to school not missing a day since then, and have been getting good grades as well.

Starting 8th grade after 3 weeks was difficult because I had to catch up with all of the assignments and teaching I had missed but caught up eventually with the help of my teachers and friends. After that problem came all the other work and assignments my classmates and I had to do. These assignments were easy and hard but were possible to complete with studying and help. 8th grade went smoothly until the DA's came, it was a great pain that hit me hard because I had to study, and memorizes cheat sheets to help me with my test.  When it was time to take the DA's I passed all of them with A's and B's. Math was the most difficult subject that I had to take because that was the lowest grade I had gotten from all the other DA's. After that horrendous experience going to school has been normal, I took the TSIA essay and multiple-choice and got good grades. Because of my good grades in the 3rd nine weeks, I got an A honor roll reward and can get a slushie on April 1, 2022. Hopefully, these four nine weeks go smoothly, and pass my STAAR tests so that I can pass to High School, and I can finally have a rest in Summer Vacation.

Attending Middle School has been both fun and difficult, but this being my last year in middle school I am going to miss that. I hope High School has some mercy on me, and if not I am going to have to study harder than before. My Middle school years have been fun because of Encounters and Art, and I am going to miss my teachers because they have brought me joy and sorrow in the difficult and happy times. Being in the 8th grade has been the best roller coaster of my life and hope to have more fun in the future, and hopefully survive another year in school.

This is my Word Art for my Research