
                  The Life of the Amazing Alana Hamlett

Alana was born on December 10, 2008, at 9:11 am at St. Joseph Hospital in Houston, Texas. Alana was born prematurely and weighed 1 lb and 11 ounces at birth. She had to stay in the hospital for three months and four days. Five years later, her parents, Shonte and Matthew, had her brother, Jacob, on July 5, 2013. He is now a big part of her life, and she makes sure he is safe. Alana is in many clubs and groups like the Woodland Acres Wind Ensemble band and Girls Varsity Choir/ Mixed Choir; she did different activities like softball and gymnastics when she was little.

Alana's favorite hobbies are singing, dancing, sleeping, and drawing. She likes to exercise and go out of her comfort limits to meet new people and go to new places. She likes helping out by cleaning the kitchen to make her house look presentable. She likes planning and setting big goals to complete. Alana made it on a soccer team for the camp, " The Boys And Girls Club Of The Greater Houston," She got to hug and meet Mayor Sylvester Turner.

    Alana played softball from 1st to 2nd grade in elementary school. Alana has got a lot of rewards in school and competitions with honors like a trophy or money. She has been recognized in elementary in a program, "Early Act First Night", Alana was picked out of her peers as the most Creative Student. Alana was in Honor’s Society in 5th and 7th grade. In 8th grade, Alana was elected as Historian in the Woodland Acres Student Council.  She likes to read mystery books with great plot twists; she likes performing poetry for places like churches and schools. Alana was in the All Regional Choir (TMEA) for two years in a row.

Alana’s goals and dreams are big; she wants to graduate early and then apply for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.). She wants to get a full-ride scholarship and be successful in her field, Engineering.  She wants to get her Doctorate or Ph.D., so she can be done with college and doesn't have to go back to school in the upcoming future. Alana wants to be an Aerospace Engineer and work for NASA. Alana has big plans and wants to travel to Europe and Asia. Alana likes when her goals are far beyond the human mind, and her thinking skills will get her there.