Galena Park ISD
Afterschool Programs
Texas ACE (Afterschool Centers on Education) provides no-cost activities before and after school and during summer for K–12 students in Title I schools. The program is federally funded through 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) and administered on the state level by TEA.
The following campuses have limited and reduced space, if you are interested in pursuing a slot on that campus with the YMCA, fill out the interest survey. Cost for the YMCA varies- $118 per month per child, or some qualify for reduced rates and scholarships may be available.
Green Valley Elementary
North Shore Elementary
S J Williamson

Parent Involvement
The Texas ACE program is built on the philosophy that students perform better when parents are involved in the child’s education. Various parental involvement activities and parenting workshops will be available throughout the year.
Parents must attend a minimum of TWO activities per semester for students to participate in the 21st Century Program. Lack of parental involvement may result in the removal of your child from the 21st Century Program.
Per Texas Education Agency (TEA) & the 21st Century Handbook, students are required to attend face to face EVERY day. Attendance is taken and reported to help support and maintain the state grant which funds the 21st Century program. If students do not attend, they will lose their spot in the program after two weeks without notice.
Dismissal Time and Procedures
21st Century dismissal time is from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Students are NOT allowed to be picked up before 5:00 p.m.
All students must be picked up by 6:00 p.m.
All students at North Shore Middle School must be picked up at 7:00 p.m.
Start Date: Wednesday, August 16, 2023
The Communities In Schools Afterschool Centers on Education (ACE) is funded by the U.S. Department of Education through Texas Education Agency and the primary focus is to empower students to realize their potential and change the world. In the afterschool setting we provide multiple resources such as homework assistance, lessons which reinforce school day learning, and small group tutoring to promote student academic achievement. In addition ACE provides college and workforce awareness, enrichment activities, and family and parental support services to increase family engagement in the students’ educational experience.
When the last bell rings, Texas ACE is just getting started with interactive, hands-on learning disguised as fun and aligned to the school curriculum. Local programs also provide homework help, tutoring, and other targeted needs-based assistance, as well as enrichment activities such as sports, clubs, and youth development projects that build character, confidence, and leadership skills.
While YMCA offers a traditional after school program model, YMCA is committed to providing flexible programming that meets the needs of school and families. YMCA works with each campus to design programming that will fit the needs of families.
Galena Park ISD
14705 Woodforest Boulevard
Houston, TX 77015
Phone: 832-386-1000