College & Career Videos

Spotlighted Videos

High Demand, High Wage Jobs

Learn about careers available after high school that do not require a student to attend college


Applying to An Elite School

Learn about the application process when applying to the top colleges

Career_ College Search - North Shore Senior High College and Career Center.webm

Getting Ready and Staying on Track - 12th Grade

Paying for College

Learn about the various options students can use to pay for college:

  • Federal Aid: or State Aid through TASFA application

  • Need based aid provided by college

  • Merit aid provided by college

  • Outside scholarships from other organizations

  • Loans (the ones you have to pay back)


Earn micro-scholarships by doing what you are already doing: getting good grades, joining organizations, volunteering, and more!

Enter your background information ONCE and you can apply to many scholarships in minutes!

College Board Opportunity Scholarships

Complete each step in the college admissions process and enter to win big money!

Admissions, Majors, and More

Essay Writing Workshop for Admissions and Scholarships presented by Houston Area Recruiters Network (HARN)

How to Write an Impressive Resume presented by HARN

Admissions 101 (Understanding the Entire Process and Terminology for Applying) presented by HARN

Finding Community in College (Joining Organizations, Attending Events, Getting Involved) presented by HARN

Finding the Right Fit (How to Know Which College Is Right for You) presented by HARN

Choosing a Major presented by HARN

Health Care Programs in College presented by HARN

Student Services (What Do Colleges Offer Besides Classes) presented by HARN