Middle Ages Research Project

The Amazing Middle Ages


Have you ever wondered how it was back in the Middle Ages? Well today you will find out! Today we will be talking about Feudalism, dragons, and shields. Feudalism is a social system that existed in Europe during the Middle Ages in which people fought for nobles who gave them protection and the use of land in return. Dragons are mythical creatures that are giant fire breathing, flying lizards with legs, maybe claws, and maybe a voice. These awesome creatures were invented because of the people’s innate fear of snakes. Shields are made to protect  knights and soldiers from the direct blows of the enemy's weapon. There are a lot of different types of shields made from different types of materials. There are also different symbols decorated in the shield to be able to recognize the knight. The Middle Ages was the period in European history from the collapse of Roman civilization in the 5th century to the period of the Renaissance.


Feudalism was the system of government in which people were given land and protection by people of higher rank, and worked and fought for them in return. Feudalism started in Europe mainly in France. Feudalism started in the early and central Middle Ages. Feudalism developed in response to the need of the government in order to protect their subjects. The Feudal System was organized by the king at the top with the nobles, knights and vassals below him. The king was the owner of all the land in the feudal system, and all nobles, knights, and vassals held land from the king, who was at the top of the feudal pyramid. Under the feudal system the land was given to people for their service. Although it was a system followed by all, most people did not benefit from it. The people that mostly benefited were the rich because they made profit without working that much. Two groups that mostly benefited from the feudal system were the lords and churchmen because they seemed to be the wealthiest. The people who suffered from the feudal system were the peasants because they were like slaves and worked for 6 days a week with barely any food to survive. In the text it says, ”Peasants had a hard life, but they did not work on Sundays or on the frequent saints' days.” This shows that the peasants had a pretty hard life and worked 6 days a week.


A dragon is a mythical creature that most likely breathes out fire, is a flying lizard with legs, maybe claws, and maybe talks. There are many different types of dragons that have different body shapes and different abilities. For example some breathe out fire, some fly, some live underwater ect. There is really no one who invented dragons first. Dragons are complete fantasy creatures which people created because of their fear of snakes. Dragons were created in the 2nd millennium BC. Dragons were invented in ancient Mesopotamian times. The most common dragons are the Western dragons. The Western dragons are known to have huege hoards of gold and jewels hidden in their lairs. There are many legends about dragons eating a dragon's heart that will give the consumer the power of understanding birds eating a dragon's tongue enables the person to win any argument, and rubbing the dragon’s blood on your skin will protect against any stab wounds. In the text it says, “Other stories in legend say that eating a dragons' heart will give the consumer the power of understanding birds, eating the dragons' tongue enables the person to win any argument, and rubbing the dragons' blood on skin will protect against stab wounds.” This shows that there have been legends about dragons that many people have made up.


Shields were made to protect knights or soldiers from the direct contact the enemy’s weapon made with the shield. Shields were invented in 3000 BCE which were mostly made out of wood and covered in animal skin or woven reeds. Shields were invented in Egypt and in Mesopotamia.The most common type of shield was made from linden wood along with leather which covered up both parts of the shield. There were also other types of materials which people used to make shields like wood, bark, metal, animal skin, and wicker. Medieval shields were decorated with symbols to recognize the knight. Shields used in the Middle Ages were also used as bludgeoning weapons.The colors mainly used in shield symbols were yellow, white, red, blue, black, and green. Knights used many different types of shield, but the most common type of shields they used were the heater and kite shields.  The shields that the vikings used were round in shape and were strengthened by a metal central boss. Crossbowmen and archers mainly used the Pavise shield which was typically larger in size and rectangular in shape. Another shield that archers used was the Mantlet shield which was a larger shield used to stop arrows. The blacksmiths were crafters who were responsible for making weapons, shields, and body armor. In the text it says, 

“The blacksmiths *armorers were the ones responsible for making both weapons (shields included!) as well as body armor.” This shows that blacksmiths were the people who made all the weapons, shields, and body armor.


In conclusion Feudalism, dragons, and shields were all during the Middle Ages.Feudalism is a social system that existed in Europe during the Middle Ages in which people fought for nobles who gave them protection and the use of land in return. Dragons are mythical creatures that are giant fire breathing, flying lizards with legs, maybe claws, and maybe a voice. Shields are made to protect  knights and soldiers from the direct blows of the enemy's weapon. The  Middle Ages time period was important because the period was one of human expansion, centralization and great political upheaval and violence, resulting in the foundation of many modern European countries.

Works Cited 

”Medieval Shields.” Medieval Chronicles. www.medievalchronicles.com/medieval-armour/m 

edieval-shields/. Accessed 28 February 2024.

”Medieval Shields.” Medieval Life and Times. www.medieval-life-and-times.info/medieval-swords-an

d-armor/medieval-shields.htm. Accessed 23 February 2024.

“Middle Ages Feudal System.” Ducksters. www.ducksters.com/history/middle_ages_feudal _system.php  

Accessed 22 February 2023. 

Ross, David. “Feudalism and Medieval Life.” Britain Express. www.britainexpress.com 

/History/Feudalism_and_Medieval_life.htm Accessed 7 February 2023.

Stevenson, Cait. “Seven Things You Didn’t Know About Medieval.” Medievalists.net. www.medievalis 

ts.net/2017/04/seven-things-didnt-know-medieval-dragons/. Accessed 26 February 2024. 

”What is a Dragon?” Draconian.com. www.draconian.com/whatis/whatis.htm. Accessed 23 February 
