Additional Enrichment Resources


  • Practice your coding skills just like in STEAM!

Coding Resource

  • This is right from Mr. Ferguson, so you know it is good!

3D Design

  • This is right from Mr. Ferguson, so you know it is good!


  • 100 resources to work on at home related to STEAM!

Computer Programming

  • This computer programming is through Khan Academy, so to save progress log in with Google and use your school issues email and number password.


  • Fun educational games to explore.

Highlights Kids

  • Highlights Kids is another online learning platform that I would recommend for some high quality learning resources for students! Highlights Kids has lots of different games, activities, puzzles, audio books, and other great resources for helping kids keep their brain active throughout the summer months!

Wonders with Charlie

  • Through the wonderopolis website, you can follow which explore a new learning topic each day!

  • This website has a variety of free worksheets for science, social studies, reading, and mathematics that can be downloaded or saved to a device. Some worksheets require a premium membership, so not all are free. Login with our class code located in Google Classroom.

This curriculum is a super cool resource for educators and students to teach and learn about making smart decisions on the internet. It teaches the fundamentals of digital citizenship and online safety so students can explore and use the online world with confidence.

Be Internet Awesome #1- Share with Care
Be Internet Awesome #2- Don't Fall For Fake
Be Internet Awesome #3- Secure your Secrets
Be Internet Awesome #4- It's Cool to be KIND
Be Internet Awesome #5- Be Internet Brave

Kind, Safe, Cooperative, & Respectful

This activity is one we will complete as a whole class, as well as something that I encourage all students to keep in mind throughout the school year.

Kind, Safe, Cooperative, Respectful- Ms. Jones