A Block

English 12

Third Blizzard Bag Day : Thursday, January 16

Good morning!

Here's your assignment : (This is also on Google Classroom)

  • Step outside and breathe mindfully for 10 minutes.
  • Be kind to someone (human or animal) in your home or neighborhood.

1. Please spend 30 minutes reading your independent choice book. If you don't have one, read something else online or in your home that you can tell me about.

2. Analysis Assignment Go to Google Classroom if you can (otherwise do the assignment on paper)

Anyone who has not read Siddhartha along with us:

  • Write at least 10 sentences describing your own philosophy about what is important to you in your life (in terms of values, beliefs, etc)
  • AND
  • Write at least 10 sentences describing a time in your life when someone or something made you stop and question your values/beliefs/ personal philosophy

Anyone who HAS been reading Siddhartha along with us:

Respond to TWO of the following with at least 10 sentences!

Option A: Compare yourself to Govinda or Siddhartha in terms of approach to life, personality, role in friendships, etc.

Option B: Describe Siddhartha's goal and the ways he has tried to reach that goal so far.

Option C: Describe a close friendship you've had in your life that is similar to Siddhartha and Govinda's friendship.

Option D: Describe a relationship you've had in your life with an adult (parent figure, teacher, coach). Compare it to Siddhartha's relationship with his father or the elder Samana or the Buddha.

Option E. Come up with 5 questions about Siddhartha that we could discuss in class (avoid things that are yes/no questions!).

Anyone who has missed classtime and so needs to catch up in Siddhartha, go to Google Classroom and find the audiobook links to Siddhartha. Get caught up and then do the above assignment!

Hope you all enjoy a safe , relaxing day!