
My first artist that i have picked is Michael White also known as micheal_sculpter on instagram. Micheal has created many different sculptures including topic such as Star Wars, Harry Potter, Aliens and many more. The way that he plans hiis posts usually consists of two photos of one peice for example one for the sde and the other one pointing at the face. One thiong that you can learn from looking at his feed is hs love for topics such as Star Wars. You can see this by his multiple pieces like the Boba Fett head and the multiple Darth Vader designs. Anothing thing you can learn is that Micheal love his work and puts in loads of time just so he can get the finest details in his work. One of the reasons I picked Micheal is because of his love for Star Wars. Another reason i picked Micheal is because of his love for his work. Putting the amount of time he does so his work looks good is something that I greatly respect.

My second artist that i have picked is Gavin Johnson who does mostly abstract art. Most of his photos incluide Gavin posing with his art work and it it doesnt have his artwork, he edits picture of himself. One way that Gavin expresses his personal touch is taking pictures from houses that hs peices go to. After hanging up to peice he usually takes a picture of the work and posts t on instagram. These photos often look very clean and professional and send out a good message to anyone looking at his work and the mix of him working on the work and then the nest it hanging up is also visually appealing. One of the reasons that I picked Gavin over the thousands of other is his love for abstract art. As well as Gavin I love abstract art, the ability to make art that doesnt attempt to represent an accurate depiction of shapes, colours, forms and gestures to make it effective.