Week of

May 25th - 29th

Make Your Own Window Paint!

Have you ever wanted to paint on the windows, but didn't know how? Here's a simple recipe to make washable window paint:

  • 1 part washable paint (not acrylic - either washable craft paint or tempera paint)

  • 1 part dish soap

  • flour (added to make the paint thicker)

It's super easy to make and easy to wash off! I recommend painting on the windows outside so that you can use a garden hose to wash off your windows when you're done.

The weather has been so nice lately that you now how the perfect excuse to do some painting outside! Have fun and snap some photos of your painting creations :)

Full recipe and steps can be found here

* Photo and recipe from Taming Little Monsters

Roll-A-Face Game!

I found a fun drawing game for you guys to try, and all you need is:

  • A piece of paper

  • A pencil

  • A die

  • Sharpie or black marker (optional)

  • Markers or pencil crayons to colour your creation! (optional)

Take a look at my weird face creation below! Share your crazy face drawing with your teachers, and challenge them to make their own crazy face drawing!

Activity Credit goes to DrawingHowToDraw.com.

Roll-A-Face Instructions:


Dice Foldable

(just in case you don't have a die at home!)


Roll-A-Face Game Board:


Virtual Dice Roll

(just in case you don't have a die or a printer at home!)