Daily update of classroom activities.

September 13th, 2021

Hello, thank you for checking in! I am going to post a message on the website each Monday to let parents know what is happening in our classroom.

First of all, thank you for sending in binders and dividers. Both make life in grades 4/5 much easier and are greatly appreciated. The students are doing an amazing job settling back into the routine of school. We are working hard as a group to get to know each other better and to develop our skills in a large group setting. The students have been involved in a number of activities focused on team-building, learning how to compromise, share, take turns, listen to the perspective of others while also communicating their own needs and understanding. With multiple attempts at an activity, the students are able to identify what makes a group successful. I love watching their "ah ha!" moments and then seeing them put into action with the next attempt, what they learned worked from a previous attempt.

In math we are beginning our study of numbers, including identifying the value of each digit within a number, creating place value charts, and representing numbers in a variety of ways.

Grade 4 curriculum expectations:

B1.1 read, represent, compose, and decompose whole numbers up to and including 10 000, using appropriate tools and strategies, and describe various ways they are used in everyday life

Grade 5 curriculum expectations:

B1.1 read, represent, compose, and decompose whole numbers up Ito and including 100 000, using appropriate tools and strategies, and describe various ways they are used in everyday life

Our literacy block has started with the students demonstrating their writing skills by writing themselves a letter. I like to have my students write a letter to their June self (kind of like a time capsule) at the beginning of each school year. This activity is a fun, safe way for me to have a look at the writing skills of the class and for them to create something they will be so excited to read in June. We have also started our first book, "The False Prince". This is a book that I will read to the class that will be used to help us work on a number of reading skills including identifying what good reading sounds like, the author's hidden message, characteristics of the characters, the problems, and solutions within the book and much more.

We have not started science or social studies yet, but we will soon be talking about the election, as well as the provinces and territories of Canada. Parents are encouraged to take time to talk to their children about the political parties and their platforms and the election process.

Beginning this week I will be touching base with parents via the phone, just to say hi. If you see my name pop up on your phone it's a sunshine call and no need to worry!

Have a great week everyone!

Mrs. Springer

September 7th, 2021

Thank you for finding our website and checking out some of the information shared here. What a fabulous first day of school we had today! Your children were awesome!! I have sent home a note for families to read in regards to our classroom, routines, procedures and supplies. I have also included a homework page for parents. Please have a look for it, complete the information and send it back to school as soon as possible.

Thank you so much.

Mrs. Springer