Unit 8
Lines and Planes
Section 8.1: Lines in 2-Space
Section 8.1: Lines in 2-Space
Section 8.2: Scalar Equation of a Line and Lines in 3-Space
Section 8.2: Scalar Equation of a Line and Lines in 3-Space
Section 8.3: Intersection of Lines in 2 and 3-Space
Section 8.3: Intersection of Lines in 2 and 3-Space
Section 8.4: Distance from a Point to a Lines (or 2 lines)
Section 8.4: Distance from a Point to a Lines (or 2 lines)
Section 8.4: Homework Handout
Section 8.4: Homework Handout
Section 8.5: Equations of Planes
Section 8.5: Equations of Planes
Section 8.6: Scalar Equation of a Plane
Section 8.6: Scalar Equation of a Plane
Section 8.7: Intersection of Lines and Planes
Section 8.7: Intersection of Lines and Planes
Section 8.8: Practice Quest
Section 8.8: Practice Quest