Virtual fieldtrips

This week we will head on our virtual fieldtrip to..... Seaquest to learn about sloth`s

Birds! Birds! Birds!

Mme Ladrouz and Mme Horrell love birds! We want to share our passion with you! Check out the live bird cams around the world through Cornell university!!! CLICK HERE

Flash? Who doesn't like SLOTHS!!!

Copy of Virtual Field Trip: Honey Bees.mp4

What`s the buzz?

Another virtual fieldtrip by Mlle Wigle! This time can you guess where she went???

Art by kids!

This is an exhibition showcasing artworks by students! Watch the video and get inspired! Pssttt. What city is the Guggenheim Museum located? Who was the architect that designed the Guggenheim Museum?

Let's go to the Amazon rainforest

Did you know?

  1. The Amazon is the world’s largest tropical rainforest.

  2. In 2007, Martin Strel swam the entire length of the Amazon river!

  3. There are 1,300 bird species, 3,000 types of fish, 430 mammals! WOW!

Want to learn more cool facts? Click here

Come along to

In this section your will travel along with teachers from all over as they travel around or explore various places and take us on a virtual fieldtrips!

This week our spotlight is M.Wigle as she travels to Ska-Nah-Doht

Click on the image to take you on the virtual fieldtrip!

Ska-Nah-Doht Want to know more about it? Click here to take you to a site which gives you some more information.