Junior/Intermediate Students: some interesting stuff for you to look at

30 Cool Photos From Around the World

Longest Animal Ever?

You may have heard about it, but what exactly is it?

That's not really Justin Trudeau talking...it's a virtual mask. SCARY!!!

What are the Phases of the Moon Anyway?

Ryan Reynolds

Why is the sky blue?

June 1 - Science Focus J/I

What is a Black Hole?

Jack Chambers: The Artist

Remember this guy?

If you have some free time, why don't you do some coding in Scratch?!? Ask your parents to help you make another account if you forgot your username and password.

Learn to Type

This free site teaches you step-by-step how to type properly. Signing in is optional, but necessary for keeping track of your progress. This is a learn to type site and is not games-oriented.

10 Foods that are Canadian

Some of these you may never have heard of, and some might surprise you.