les maths

We will be examining 5 stands of Math this year:

1. Number Sense and Numeration

2. Measurement

3. Geometry and Spacial Sense

4. Data Management and Probability

5. Pattering and Algebra

We are attempting to move away from teaching these stands in a sequential manner. We will be trying to touch on as many strands as possible during a lesson and to integrate, and to embed, these 5 strands into all areas of the curriculum. Research indicates that students are most successful in math when it is embedded, as they are less likely to forget previously learned math if it is recalled on a regular basis.

"Experiences that allow students to make connections – to see, for example, how concepts and skills from one strand of mathematics are related to those from another – will help them to grasp general mathematical principles. As they continue to make such connections, students begin to see that mathematics is more than a series of isolated skills and concepts and that they can use their learning in one area of mathematics to understand another. Seeing the relationships among procedures and concepts also helps develop mathematical understanding. The more connections students make, the deeper their understanding. In addition, making connections between the mathematics they learn at school and its applications in their everyday lives not only helps students understand mathematics but also allows them to see how useful and relevant it is in the world beyond the classroom." - Ministry of Education

My Classroom:

  • Students will be tested every Wednesday based on the work studied to that point.
  • It would be useful for students to know their multiplication facts up to 9 x 12. It would speed up their problem-solving skills and reduce their dependence on technology. That being said, there are limitations on memorization without a "number sense". People with number sense are those who can use numbers flexibly. When asked to solve 7 x 8 someone with number sense may have memorized 56 but they would also be able to work out that 7 x 7 is 49 and then add 7 to make 56, or they may work out ten 7’s and subtract two 7’s (70-14). They would not have to rely on a distant memory. We will be examining a number of these math "tricks" to assist our learning of multiplication facts.
  • I will frequently use the 3-part lesson strategy when delivering lessons. We will be exploring and trying many strategies to solve mathematical problems to increase their numbers flexibility and we will use the 4-step problem solving model to help us to organize our thinking when solving problems.
  • There will be a focus on using appropriate French vocabulary to fluently communicate our thinking, both orally and in written form, when presenting the solution of mathematical problems.
  • Students are expected to complete any assigned work that was not completed in class t home and to explore the websites "Netmath" and "Gizmos" at home to consolidate concepts taught in class.

A Four-Step Problem-Solving Model

  • Understand the Problem
  • Make a Plan
  • Carry out the Plan
  • Look Back at the Solution

Three-Part Math Lesson


  • Students are given a question or problem that focuses on the math to be studied that day
  • Student thinking is tweaked so that a range of solutions will be used in solving the main problem


  • Students work on problem in groups, recording their solutions and methods
  • Teacher circulates, asking probing questions to help groups move towards a solution
  • Key solutions are identified and shared with the class


  • Students share key solutions using appropriate "math talk"
  • Teacher records key learning
  • Students independently practice new learning when solving new problems