Week 6

Last week, we had lots of positive feedback from many parents giving ourselves permission to take a step back from anything we felt we needed to.

This week we would like to support YOU and recognize all of your patience, creative thinking and energy you continue to put into our at-home learning.


We are thrilled that you chose to share your stories and pictures with us and keep us connected to your families.

An interview on Positive Parenting with Amy McCready (no relation to Ms. McCready). This interview offers tips to stay positive and calm, when frustrations arise. It is approximately 26 minutes.

We are excited to see so many friends logging into our Lexia Reading Program!

Let's continue this week building a Lexia routine of 10-15 minutes a day.

(When boredom or frustrations arise, and they will,

don't push the program, have a break instead).

Signs of Spring

Choose a picture and write a sentence about it.

Email us your sentence and look for it posted next week.


robin's eggs

tree frog


Ms. McCready's family has been hatching baby chicks. Here is a Springtime Math Story.

(Can you help read the numbers in the story?)

Eggs stay in an incubator for 21 days. They need a heat lamp and someone to turn them 3 times a day.

Count how many eggs are in the tray.

Day 20

The shell of the egg gets thin as the chicks get ready to hatch.

chicks hatching vid.mov

This chick is working very hard to make his way out into the world. Sometimes it takes a short time like 2 minutes and sometimes it takes a long time like 2 days.

He worked very hard for a long time, pecking and sleeping and pecking and sleeping and finally made his way out of the egg. Here he is 10 minutes old.

This baby chick is 10 hours old.

The heat lamp is on to keep the babies warm. A little food and water to get the chicks to eat.

chicks talking.mov

Happy little chicks. Can you count how many are in the video?

Oli the dog watching over the new baby chicks.

Happy chicks in their new home.

Count how many chicks are in the picture.

These chicks are dancing to the chicken dance!

Your turn to dance the Chicken Dance!

All about Chickens

(a non fiction story)

Five Little Chicks

(a fiction story)