Past Workshops and Resources

Past events that have been recorded can be accessed through a Youtube playlist here.

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Session: 'Understanding Mental Health and Mental Illness and Their Impact on Families'

Originally Aired: May 9, 2024

Intended Audience: Parents and Caregivers

Recording of Sessions: Coming soon!

New! Link to Related Resources

"Join us to learn more about the differences between mental health and mental illness and how to support intervention for all ages. Caregivers will also be provided with    techniques and resources on how to support and manage mental health in the family."

Session: 'Understanding Youth Substance Use and Prevention Efforts for Caregivers'

Originally Aired: May 8 2024

Intended Audience: Parents and Caregivers

Recording of Sessions: Coming soon!

New! Link to Related Resources

"Youth substance use is a concern many caregivers share. Is experimenting with substances just a natural part of their development and passage into adulthood? When should parents be concerned? What is the local situation when it comes to substance use? This presentation is designed to help caregivers understand all of these questions and give tools to successfully build the environments that protect youth from starting to use substances."

Session: 'You're Not Alone: How to build your support network when supporting children & youth with mental health concerns'

Originally Aired: May 7, 2024

Intended Audience: Parents and Caregivers

New! Link to Related Resources

Recording of Sessions: Coming soon!

"Many parents and caregivers are struggling to support their children and youth with concerns that are impacting their ability to attend school, maintain friendships, and have positive social interactions in their family and community. Join us in learning about how a parent managed her journey of parenting children with mental health challenges and learning disabilities. Learn tips on managing your own needs in order to support your children as best you can, and how to build your support network with people that get it."

Session: 'Parenting in a Digital Age'

Originally Aired: April 25, 2024

Intended Audience: Parents and Caregivers

Recording of Sessions: Coming soon!

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"Digital technologies bring many benefits for our kids - but they also introduce new and ever evolving risks and harms. Even if parents are tech savvy, many still feel overwhelmed and     unsure how to talk about, monitor, or set boundaries around digital technologies. This talk will get caregivers thinking about:

Session: 'Understanding Eating Disorders: Spotting Warning Signs and Creating Supportive Environments'

Originally Aired: April 23, 2024

Intended Audience: Parents and Caregivers

Recording of Sessions: Coming soon!

"Eating disorders have the highest overall mortality rate of all mental illnesses, and dieting behaviours have been on the rise in young folks. Unfortunately, these behaviours put children and teens at higher risk for developing an eating disorder. Understanding the complexities of eating disorders and their associated warning signs can be challenging. Join us to learn more about what to look for, steps to take and how to create a supportive environment if a child or teen you know is showing signs and symptoms of an eating disorder."

Session: 'Families are Talking: Relationships for Elementary School Children'

Originally Aired: April 11, 2024

Intended Audience: Parents and Caregivers

Recording of Sessions: Coming soon!

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"This presentation aims to support parents and caregivers to gain the confidence and skills to talk to their children about relationships. This webinar will consider:

Session: 'Supporting Your 2SLGBTQIA+ Youth'

Originally Aired: April 9, 2024

Intended Audience: Parents and Caregivers

Recording of Session: Coming soon!

New! Link to Related Resources

"Research shows that queer and trans* students face disproportionate levels of risk for mental illness and mental health struggles, which often greatly impacts their academic performance, school participation, self-worth, and general wellbeing. In this presentation, we will discuss the lived experiences of 2SLGBTQIA+ students, and explore how to equip queer and gender diverse youth to be prepared to navigate discrimination and marginalization. Finally, we’ll outline steps for caregivers to serve as advocates and allies for their students, within the school system and beyond."

Session: 'Promoting Healthy Teen Social Media Use Through Evidence-Based Research'

Originally Aired: March 26/27, 2024

Intended Audience: Youth, Parents and Caregivers

Recording of Sessions:

"In this two day presentation series, we will use psychological research findings to address some key topics on parents’ and teens’ minds when it comes to social media use including comparing oneself to others, online aggression, and even the algorithms that encourage overuse. We will further discuss ways to utilize social media for positive outcomes including to cultivate creativity and social connection.              Presenters include upper-year university students, led by Dr. Tara Dumas from the Psychology Department at Huron University."

Session: 'Navigating Healthy Conversations: Empowering Parents in the Digital Age of Relationships and Identity'

Originally Aired: March 6, 2024

Intended Audience: Parents and Caregivers

Recording of Session: Coming soon!

New! Link to Related Resources

"With a growing number of online influencers promoting unhealthy ideas about relationships and identity, initiating conversations with children about critically engaging with online       content is crucial at all ages. Acknowledging that these conversations can be challenging, this upcoming webinar aims to equip parents with an understanding of dangerous narratives to be wary of, offering valuable insights into navigating uncomfortable discussions with their children. This webinar offers practical advice about fostering a positive and open dialogue, and information about Changing Ways resources."

Session: 'Supporting Children and Youth and Their Relationship with Food and Body'

Originally Aired: January 16, 2024

Intended Audience: Adults, Parents and Caregivers

Recording of Session: Coming soon!

New! Link to Related Resources

"Navigating diet culture as a parent/caregiver can be challenging. Tune in for strategies that help children and teens develop a positive relationship with food and their bodies. Learn how to encourage open and non-judgmental conversations around food and bodies and practical tips for how to model your own positive relationship with food and body."

Session: 'Supporting Our Youth Out of Homelessness and Housing Instability'

Originally Aired: December 14, 2023

Intended Audience: Adults, Parents and Caregivers

*This session was offered live. If you would like to see us offer it again, please let us know here.

"This presentation will begin to examine the complexities of youth experiencing housing instability in the London community. We will discuss misconceptions and stereotypes,   introduce informed language, the Housing First Philosophy and explore the barriers youth experience when navigating housing within our community. We will explore case studies to illuminate the diversity of experiences of our community members and how we as a community can collectively support our most vulnerable populations."

Session: 'Understanding Bullying Prevention in Thames Valley District School Board'

Originally Aired: November 23, 2023

Intended Audience: Adults, Parents and Caregivers


Recording of Session:
Click Here

"November 19th-25th is recognized as Bullying Prevention and Awareness Week in Ontario. Join members of the Safe Schools and Well-Being team to learn more about how Thames  Valley District School Board prevents and responds to bullying. This session will highlight differences between bullying and conflict, pathways you can take if you’re concerned about your child, and prevention strategies that Thames Valley has in place."

For more information: 

Session: 'Combatting Cyberbullying: Internet Safety for Caregivers'

Originally Aired: November 22, 2023

Intended Audience: Adults, Parents and Caregivers


Recording of Session:
Click Here 

“Cyberbullying is an increasingly growing concern among our youths. This presentation will explore the various forms of cyberbullying, the harmful impacts that can result, and how parents and caregivers can help combat this issue.  Constable Wilson will discuss the importance of collaborative strategies, emphasizing education, communication and proactive measures to create a safer online environment for our children." 

Session: 'Understanding and Exploring Restorative Practices for Families and Caregivers'

Originally Aired: November 21, 2023

Intended Audience: Adults, Parents and Caregivers


Recording of Session: 

Click Here 

New! Link to Related Resources

“St. Leonard’s Community Services School Based Programs (Restorative Approaches and Peer Power) are rooted in a strong restorative justice based communication skills foundation. Working from prevention to intervention, these programs provide students with the opportunity to build positive peer relationships and expand their communication and conflict resolution skills that assist them in supportive processes to address conflict and repair harm.  Referred by school administrators, the engaging Restorative Approaches team facilitators offer various restorative interventions that assist students in addressing conflicts and bullying with their peers, while also providing support and training workshops for teachers, school staff & parents, to help build the capacity of Restorative Practices in school communities.” 

Session: 'Supporting Our Children through Social Anxieties and Back to School Worries '

Originally Aired: August 24, 2023

Intended Audience: Adults, Parents and Caregivers

Recording of Session:
Click here 

Link to Related Resources

“Supporting our children who struggle with social anxieties can be challenging. How can we support them with things like public speaking, making friends and/or worries about going back to school? These questions and many more will be addressed with the help of Dr. Colin King from the Mary J. Wright Child and Youth Development Clinic and Paula Jesty, creator of the online resource M.I. Understanding. Join us for this important discussion and learn what you can do to support your child through these challenges."

Session: 'Exploring School Lunches: Challenging Rules, Dichotomies, and Food Language While Meeting Your Child’s Nutritional Needs '

Originally Aired: August 23, 2023

Intended Audience: Adults, Parents and Caregivers

*This session was offered live. If you would like to see us offer it again, please let us know here.

Link to Related Resources

"Join us for a presentation looking at nutrition in school-aged children and youth. Our dietitian and social worker hosts will discuss a variety of challenges faced by caregivers and educators as they try to ensure children and youth get the nutrition and information they need to grow and develop their relationship with food. Let’s explore together how we can change language, rules, and sometimes beliefs around the often-complex topic of school lunches."

Session: 'Supporting Social & Emotional Well-Being in the Early Years'

Originally Aired: August 22, 2023

Intended Audience: Adults, Parents and Caregivers

Recording of Session: 

Click Here

Link to Related Resources

"Did you know that babies and young children have ‘mental health’? 

How a baby or young child shows their mental well-being depends on their age and developmental stage. The most important factor in a young child’s mental wellness is having a caring, kind parent or caregiver who is dependable and responds to their needs. Join us to learn more about your child’s social and emotional well-being and your important role in supporting them."

Session: 'Supporting Children When a Loved One has Addiction/Mental Health Challenges'

Originally Aired: June 7, 2023

Intended Audience: Adults, Parents and Caregivers

Recording of Session: Click Here

"Having a loved one who struggles with mental health and or addiction can be challenging for everyone, including children. Join us as we learn more about mental health versus mental illness, how to best support children and youth,  the creation of safety/action plans, and the importance of self-care for everyone involved."

Session: 'Children's Mental Health & Screen Time'

Originally Aired: May 18, 2023

Intended Audience: Parents and Caregivers

Recording of Session: Click Here

"Join Western University Professor, Dr. Emma Duerden and TVDSB Manager of Student Mental Health, Lucas Andersen for a discussion on the latest research on the impact of increased screen time on children’s mental health. Find out strategies that educators and families can use to support children and youth."

Session: 'Supporting Our Children in Understanding Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging'

Originally Aired: May 16, 2023

Intended Audience: Parents and Caregivers

Recording of Session: Click Here

Links to Related Resources

"Conversations about diversity, inclusion and belonging will look different for each family. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, we want to encourage families to engage in these conversations early on.  

This workshop will explore parent and caregiver concerns, fears, perception or biases, age appropriate conversations, racial socialization, challenges of biracial children, and  strategies for moving forward."

Session: 'Protecting Our Children: Internet Safety for Caregivers

Originally Aired: May 10, 2023

Intended Audience: Parents and Caregivers

Recording of Session: Click Here

Link to Related Resources

The internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, and children have also embraced this technological advancement. The internet provides endless possibilities for children to learn, explore, and socialize. However, the internet also exposes children to various dangers, such as cyberbullying, online predators, and inappropriate content. Therefore, as caregivers, we have a responsibility to protect our children when they are online. In this discussion, we will focus on the best ways to protect our children when browsing the web, using social media, and playing games online.

Session: 'Sleep Hygiene for Children and Adolescents

Originally Aired: May 4, 2023

Intended Audience: Parents and Caregivers

Recording of Session: Click Here

Links to Related Resources

“This presentation will examine the importance of sleep in children and youth, including the benefits of sleep, and optimal sleep duration. We will discuss the impacts of not getting enough sleep and explore how daily habits, such as screen use, managing stressors and bed time routines, can influence sleep. Practical strategies to help improve sleep hygiene habits, and useful resources for parents and caregivers of children and youth, will be provided.”

Session: 'Gut Health: Examining the Gut-Brain Axis

Originally Aired: May 3, 2023

Intended Audience: Adults

*This session is only offered live. If you would like to see us offer it again, please let us know here.

"'I feel it in my gut!'  - There is a two-way dialogue that closely connects these two organs in our body. Emerging research is showcasing how our brain and gastrointestinal system is connected and has a profound influence on our mood, mental health and sense of well-being. By optimizing gut health and digestion we can improve our symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression while increasing serotonin—the happy hormone!"

Session: 'Supporting Children & Youth Who Have Experienced Trauma

Originally Aired: April 27, 2023

Intended Audience: Parents and Caregivers

Recording of Session: Click Here

Link to Related Resources 

"What if the boy who cried wolf only did so because they were in pain?  They were hurt and alone and just wanted to know people cared.  

When our children and youth go through traumatic experiences, sometimes crying wolf is the only way they know how to get their needs met.  This presentation will introduce how to identify and support traumatic responses in children, youth, and ourselves."

Session: 'Understanding Self-Harm and Suicide Risk in Children and Youth

Originally Aired: April 26, 2023

Intended Audience: Parents and Caregivers

Recording of Session: Click Here

Link to Related Resources

"This session supports caregivers with tools and strategies to engage children & youth in conversations about suicide and self harm. We will review concepts related to risk, child and adolescent development, safety planning and navigating pathways to care within the community. Best practices for therapeutic interventions for those at risk will also be discussed."

Session: 'Exploring Disordered Eating in Youth and Adults

Originally Aired: April 12, 2023

Intended Audience: Youth age 14+ and Adults

*This session is only offered live. If you would like to see us offer it again, please let us know here.

"Eating disorders can range from problematic tendencies like excessive dieting to a mental health diagnosis such as anorexia or bulimia. Helpers may struggle with knowing how to best respond to this complex issue and may react with frustration, fear, or helplessness. This workshop examines the symptoms, contributing factors, and the experience of living with an eating disorder. Participants will be challenged to check their assumptions and to fully address the function disordered eating plays in a person’s life. The focus then shifts to possible treatment options and practical strategies."

Session: 'Understanding Anxiety in Adults

Originally Aired: March 8, 2023

Intended Audience: Adults, Parents and Caregivers

*This session is only offered live. If you would like to see us offer it again, please let us know here.

"We all feel nervous or worried at times. Learn about the differences between helpful and temporary anxiety versus anxiety disorders, which can have a serious impact on our lives, how we think, act, and feel. This webinar will highlight key signs and symptoms to be aware of, as well as protective factors and strategies to support positive emotional well-being. We will also discuss how we can create a culture of support in our workplace and communities."

Session: 'Protecting Our Youth: Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention

Originally Aired: February 22, 2023

Intended Audience: Parents and Caregivers

Recording of Session: Click Here

Link to Related Resources

"In honour of National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, we invite caregivers to join us in learning key information about human trafficking awareness and prevention, in our community. Learn: What to know? Where to go?  Who to ask?  How to help?"

Session: 'Supporting Our Youth with Healthy Intimate Relationships and Consent

Originally Aired: February 15, 2023

Intended Audience: Parents and Caregivers

Recording of Session: Click Here

Link to Related Resources

"Our children and youth are having conversations about romantic relationships, sex and engaging in sexual activity. Using technology, social media, and conversations with their peers, our children are consuming content directly related to consent and intimate relationships. Join us for a webinar  to     discuss the nuances of consent and healthy intimate relationships, so you can be well equipped to support your children now and into the future."

Session: Supporting Your Child's Transitioning to High School 

Originally Aired: August 24, 2022

Intended Audience: Families and caregivers of Grade 9

Recording of Session: Click Here

Link to Related Resources 

"Do you remember when you were going into Grade 9? Find out how to best support your child with the Transition to High School. This session will include tips about communicating with your teenager and information about how to identify when they need your help. Parents and caregivers will also receive information about digital safety and adolescent growth and development."

Session: 'Understanding and Managing your Stress Response

Originally Aired: August 25, 2022

Intended Audience: Families/Caregivers

Recording of Session: Click Here 

"Life is busy so we all experience stress and anxiety from time to time, however when it affects our daily life in the long-term it can have a major impact on our health and well-being. This workshop will help you learn how to identify stress and anxiety, the impact it has on us and develop the self-awareness and learn the skills to take back the power to manage life’s challenges."

Session: 'Getting Ready for School (Grades 3-8)' 

Originally Aired: August 31, 2022

Intended Audience: Families and caregivers of children in Grades 3-8

Recording of Session: Click Here

"The transition from summertime to school days can be tough. Responsibilities start to shift and many can feel worry, fear and anxiety with the change.  We recognize this change can be difficult and there are things you can do to help make the transition a little easier. Join us to discuss how we can support ourselves and our children as we step into a new school year!"