What Are You Doing To Take Care of Yourself?
Feeling Anxious? Try One of These Activities
Take 3 deep, slow breaths. Notice your belly and chest expand as you breathe in through your nose. Breathe out for as long as you can and feel your stomach and chest contract as you do.
Choose a day/time this week to go device free. Plan activities you enjoy so you will not cheat!
Make a list of 10 things you are grateful for today – big things and little things.
Tell someone why you are grateful to have them in your life. Be as specific as possible.
Try something new like bird watching, baking, making playdough or learning a new card game. Journal about the experience.
Start with a slow, deep breath. Notice 3 things you can see. Notice 2 things you can feel. Notice 1 thing you can hear.
Notice when you laugh (even a little chuckle). Let it grow. Laughter decreases stress.
What is a small act of kindness or generosity you can do today?
How have you taken a set-back and turned it into an opportunity for growth?
Close your eyes and smile. Really smile – you should feel it beside your eyes. Notice how you feel when you smile this way. Notice how you feel when you see other people who smile ‘all the way to their eyes’.
Go outside! Feel the breeze and the warmth of the sun on your skin.
Notice 8 beautiful things during your time outside. Sketch them, journal, or create a media presentation.
Take 5-10 minutes to watch the sky or clouds. Take slow deep breaths while you watch. Do you notice any shapes? What thoughts pop into your mind while you are enjoying this moment?
Sit with your back against a tree. Feel the steady strength of the tree as you breathe slow and deep.
Watch a sunrise or sunset.
Sit quietly and watch for birds. Notice the size, shape (body, beak, feet, tail, wings) and colours of each bird. What sounds do you hear? Would you be able to recognize this bird just by its song?