School Counseling Program

At Gothenburg Public Schools, school counseling is considered a regular educational service provided by the school for all students. A school counselor is assigned to students in grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. The goal of the counseling program is to facilitate the personal and social development and academic success of every student. The elementary counseling program provides individual and group counseling, and developmental activities, lessons, and support based upon individual student and school needs. Key components of a successful counseling program are achieved by building relationships with the students and the regular classroom lessons designed and taught by the counselors to provide common and clear expectations for all students, social skills, problem-solving skills, and positive character.

Referrals to the school counselor may be made directly by parents, through the child's classroom teacher or building principal. Students may also request to visit with the school counselor with or without parental consent. School counselors may meet with students as personal or school related situations arise. We typically do not visit with a child in an individual counseling session more than one time regarding the same issue without parental consent. Counseling sessions are intended to be brief, (typically meeting only 4-6 individual sessions regarding the same issue). When necessary, for continued support, the school counselor may refer the child and family to additional counseling service by a Licensed Mental Health Practitioner for additional and in-depth support, provided as the family so desires.